School Counseling » Naviance Quick Guide

Naviance Quick Guide

Login to Naviance via Clever

  1. In a new window click the Clever Icon
  2. Login using your Google bphawks username and password  > Click the Naviance Icon   

Naviance: “Colleges I’m Applying To”

  1. Research your college applications/procedures/necessary materials & begin building your Naviance College List.
  2. Click on the ‘College’ tab at the very top of the page and select ‘Colleges I’m Applying To.
  3. Use the Pink “+” button to add each college that you will definitely be applying to
  4. Choose the Correct Deadline/App Type - Ex. Regular, Rolling, Early Action, etc.
  5. Choose the Correct Submission Method for EACH SCHOOL

      Apply via the ‘Common Application’ (* Detailed instructions below)

      Apply ‘Directly to the Institution’ (Submit application online through the college’s website.

  6. Click ‘Add Application’ (* Important: Only click ‘Add and Request Transcript’ If you have already submitted your application, have requested letters of rec in Naviance, and are ready for the office to submit your materials.) 

College Application Submission Methods and Application Descriptions:  


  Applying via the Common Application 

  1. Create an account at  (Do not use your bphawks email address!)
  2. Be sure you are completing the correct application.
  3. Click the ‘College Search’ tab from CA Dashboard > Type college name > Click ‘Add to My Colleges’
  4. Review each school's requirement and complete ALL sections under the ‘Common App Tab.

Sign the Common App FERPA Waiver & Match your  Common App with your Naviance Account - Important! 

  1. Login to your Common App > Click ‘My Colleges’ tab > Click on one of your colleges  (Left-hand side)
  2. Complete the Questions and FERPA Waiver sections (Tip* We recommend you waive your right to view rec letters)
  3. Login to Naviance > Click on the ‘Colleges’ tab > Select ‘Colleges I’m Applying To
  4. Click ‘Match’ (bright pink + at the top) and follow the prompts to match your CA and Naviance accounts.

Helpful information for completing the EDUCATION section of the Common App:

  1. BPHS CEEB Code:  392270  
  2. We do not rank students and we use a 4.0 grading scale system
  3. Year-long courses are 1 credit and semester classes are .5 credits. Your counselor’s title is ‘School Counselor.’ 

Apply Directly to the Institution (via the college’s website)

  1. Use the college’s specific online application to apply and pay your application fee.
  2. Once you have requested your Initial Transcripts in Naviance, your transcripts will be sent electronically.

Complete the ‘Letter of Recommendation Survey’ and ‘Resume’ in Naviance (CEW GOALS*IMPORTANT)

  1. These are CEW graduation requirements AND must be completed for teachers to submit letters of rec.
  2. Go to the ‘Planner’ tab >  ‘Tasks
  3. Complete ‘Letter of Recommendation Survey’ AND  ‘Resume’ under Tasks 

Teacher Letter of Recommendation Requests 

(IMPORTANT! All Letters of Rec must be requested in NAVIANCE (DO NOT request  through the Common App!)

  1. Check the requirements of each college to determine if and how many letters of recommendation are required
  2. Talk to your teacher in person to ask for a letter of recommendation on your behalf first
  3. *Note: If applying via Common App your FERPA waiver must be completed and your Naviance and Common App must be matched in Naviance before inviting  a teacher!!  *See CA section for details
  4. Invite your teacher(s) to upload your letter of rec to Naviance by the following steps:
  5. Go to ‘Colleges’ tab > ‘Letters of Recommendation’ > Click on the blue ‘Add Request’ button 
  6. Select a teacher from the drop-down list (Repeat the process to add additional teachers)
  7. Choose GENERAL Request for current and future college requests.
    1. If you are applying to a Top-Tier school, select the “SPECIFIC” request and select the schools to which you want that teacher’s recommendation sent.   
  8. Type a Thank You to your teacher in the space provided and click ‘Submit

Requesting Transcripts in Naviance

  1. Click on the ‘Colleges’ tab > Select ‘Colleges I’m Applying to’ > Click ‘Request Transcripts'
  2. Select ‘Initial’ in the box (Midterm transcripts are sent in January, and Final Transcripts are sent to the college/university you will attend in the fall.)
  3. Check the box next to each school that you are requesting a transcript for >  Scroll down and click 'DONE
  4. SAT/ACT scores are NOT on BP transcripts and must be sent by the student through their official SAT/ACT account

Checking transcript status

  1. Go to the 'Colleges' link > Click on 'Colleges I'm Applying To.'
  2. View the status in the columns for ‘Transcript’, ‘Office Status’, and ‘My App.

Attending College Visits at BPHS

  1. Go to the 'Colleges' link at the top of the Naviance Home Page > Click on 'College Visits'
  2. Find the School that you are interested in and click REGISTER NOW
  3. Note the date and time and report to the Main Office for the meeting.

SRAR (Self-Reported Academic Record) - What is the SRAR?

  1. SOME colleges, such a Pitt, Penn State and WVU, require the SRAR.
  2. The SRAR is a list of your courses and associated grades completed, or that will be completed in high school
  3. The SRAR is often required for many first-year students applying to college
  4. The SRAR often replaces the official high school transcript during the Admissions Committee review proces
  5. Accuracy is critical, so please use your official high school transcript to reference as you are completing the SRAR

Financial Aid - Students must submit the FAFSA to be considered for grants, student loans & some scholarships

  1. Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA )opens October 1st of your senior year
  2. You can create an account and obtain your FSA ID at

Scholarship Search (begins December of Senior Year)

  1. Click on 'Colleges' link > Scroll down and click on ‘Scholarships
  2. For LOCAL scholarships, click on ‘Scholarship List’ > National scholarships are also linked here

Important Reminders:

    • Watch your DEADLINES to be sure you input your requests in plenty of time!  
    • You must request transcripts at least 10 business days before your college deadline.
    • Be sure to see your counselor if you have questions about Naviance or the application process.
    • If schools require a counselor rec, you MUST see your counselor! ( *additional processing time)
    • If you apply early, you will receive auto-reply emails regarding transcripts.  
    • Counselors will start processing these early transcript requests after drop/add has ended.  
    • Colleges know that transcripts cannot be sent until this time, and your application won’t be negatively impacted.
    • Letters of recommendation from anyone outside of BPHS staff and all other supplemental materials MUST be sent from the outside source or student DIRECTLY to the college admissions representative.